Date: Sat, 12 Feb 94 20:01:12 PST From: Info-Hams Mailing List and Newsgroup Errors-To: Info-Hams-Errors@UCSD.Edu Reply-To: Info-Hams@UCSD.Edu Precedence: Bulk Subject: Info-Hams Digest V94 #142 To: Info-Hams Info-Hams Digest Sat, 12 Feb 94 Volume 94 : Issue 142 Today's Topics: 440MHz band (region 2)? FCC Daily Digest - 1994-02-09 FCC Daily Digest - 1994-02-10 Index to the* Supplemen N connectors (was Re: "Flexible" 9913 (Was - Re: Coaxial cab Online call book Predicting inductor self resonant freq? Ramsey FX Transceivers soldering PL-259 to coax Send Replies or notes for publication to: Send subscription requests to: Problems you can't solve otherwise to Archives of past issues of the Info-Hams Digest are available (by FTP only) from UCSD.Edu in directory "mailarchives/info-hams". We trust that readers are intelligent enough to realize that all text herein consists of personal comments and does not represent the official policies or positions of any party. Your mileage may vary. So there. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: 10 Feb 94 20:09:40 GMT From: unogate!!usc!!swrinde!!!!!!! Subject: 440MHz band (region 2)? To: Anyone out there know band range of 440MHz in region II? Thanks in advance. 73's de Surgwon,KD6TRC ------------------------------ Date: 11 Feb 94 05:51:27 GMT From: psinntp!psinntp!pixar! Subject: FCC Daily Digest - 1994-02-09 To: DAILY DIGESTVol. 13, No. 26 February 9, 1994 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- PUBLIC NOTICES --------------------------------------------------------------------------- TARIFF TRANSMITTAL PUBLIC REFERENCE LOGS - FEB. 7,8 PUBLIC INFORMATION COLLECTION REQUIREMENT SUBMITTED TO OMB FOR REVIEW - contact: Judy Boley at (202) 632-0276 ADDITIONAL COMMENTS SOUGHT ON EX PARTE PRESENTATIONS - PR DOCKET 93-61; comments due February 25, replies March 7; contact: John Borkowski at (202) 632-7125 (DA 94-129) Report I-6923 - OVERSEAS COMMON CARRIER SECTION 214 APPLICATIONS - ACTIONS TAKEN Report I-6926 - OVERSEAS SECTION 214 APPLICATIONS ACCEPTED FOR FILING Report 58 - OPEN PROCEEDINGS --------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEXTS --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Acting chief, Allocations Branch, Policy and Rules Division, Mass Media Bureau, by NPRMs adopted on the dates shown, proposed change the Allotment Tables for the following communities; comments April 4, replies April 19: OLA, AR. Allotment of FM Channel 267A (MM Docket 94-8, January 27, DA 94-95); TUNICA, MS.Allotment of FM Channel 241C3 (MM Docket 94-9, January 25, DA 94-96); THE DALLES, OR. Allotment of FM Channel 224C3 (MM Docket 94-6, January 25, DA 94-79) EAGLE RIVER, WI. Allotment of TV Channel 34 (MM Docket 94-7, January 26, DA 94-85) The Acting Chief, Allocations Branch, by R&Os adopted on the dates shown, dismissed petitions to amend the FM Table for the following communities: HAWAIIAN OCEAN VIEW ESTATES AND OCEAN VIEW, HI (MM Docket 93-258, January 24, DA 94-71); WESTBROOK, ME. (MM Docket 93-188, January 27, DA 94-97); HUNTSVILLE, MO, AND PELLA, ia (mm Docket 93-315, January 24, DA 94-72) PAULS VALLEY, OK. Effective April 4, amended FM Table to substitute Channel 24C3 for Channel 249A; modified license of KGOK accordingly. (MM Docket 93- 247, by R&O [DA 94-78] adopted January 25 by the Acting Chief, Allocations Branch) EXPANDED INTERCONNECTION. Granted,until July 1, Pacific Bell request for waiver of requirement for interconnectors to provide percent interstate usage reports to LECs to determine to what extent interstate and intrastate access charges are applicable. (CC Docket 91-141, Transport Phase I, by MO&O [DA 94-133] adopted February 7 by the Acting Chief, Common Carrier Bureau) ********************** ADDENDUM: The following items, released February 8, were not listed on that day's digest: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEWS RELEASES -------------------------------------------------------------------------- FCC FREEZES CABLE REVENUES WHILE IT FINALIZES RATE REGULATION (MM Docket 92-266, Report DC-2567, Action in Docket Case) Extended freeze on regulated cable service revenues from February 15, 1994, to May 15, 1994. Action by the Commission February 8 by Order (FCC 94-33). News Media contact: Maureen Peratino or Susan Lewis Sallet at (202) 632-5050; Cable Services Bureau contact: Larry Walke at (202) 416-0856. KAREN WATSON NAMED DIRECTOR, OFFICE OF PUBLIC AFFAIRS --------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEXT --------------------------------------------------------------------------- CABLE RATE FREEZE. See first item under "NEWS RELEASES" above. Report No. DC-2567 ACTION IN DOCKET CASE February 8, 1994 FCC FREEZES CABLE REVENUES WHILE IT FINALIZES RATE REGULATION (MM Docket 92-266) The Commission today extended its freeze of regulated cable service revenues from February 15, 1994 to May 15, 1994, to give affected parties time to familiarize themselves with any modifications to the Commission's rules that the Commission may adopt later this month when it considers pending petitions for reconsideration of the cable rate regulations. The freeze will also facilitate the orderly implementation of any new rules that may be adopted at that time. In the absence of this freeze, cable operators could increase their revenues while the Commission is completing its pending reconsideration of cable rate regulations. The Commission expects to have any modifications to the rules, which may result from the pending reconsideration, in place by the time this freeze expires. As a result, this freeze will prevent unjustifiable rate increases before franchising authorities have been given the opportunity to become familiar with any revised rules and prepare to regulate cable television rates. As of January 31, 1994, the Commission has received 4,896 applications for certification from local franchising authorities covering approximately 7,534 communities serviced by cable, which represents a significant increase from November 1993. The freeze period is the minimum amount of time necessary for franchising authorities and other affected parties to familiarize themselves with any new rules that may be adopted and prepare to regulate cable operators before the effective date of any such rules. Cable operators may petition for relief from the requirements of the freeze where the operator can show that the freeze is causing severe economic hardship or threatens the viability of continued provision of cable service. Action by the Commission February 8, 1994, by Order (FCC 94- 33). Chairman Hundt, Commissioners Quello and Barrett, with Commissioner Barrett issuing a separate statement. -FCC- News Media contact: Maureen Peratino or Susan Lewis Sallet at (202) 632-5050 Cable Services Bureau contact: Larry Walke at (202) 416-0856 -- -- Bruce Perens AB6YM 510-215-3502 ------------------------------ Date: 11 Feb 94 05:53:48 GMT From: psinntp!psinntp!pixar! Subject: FCC Daily Digest - 1994-02-10 To: DAILY DIGESTVol. 13, No. 27 February 10, 1994 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEWS RELEASES --------------------------------------------------------------------------- OMB DESIGNATES FCC AS PILOT AGENCY FOR PROGRAM PERFORMANCE PLANNING The Federal Communications Commission has been designated by the Director, Office of Management and Budget as a Government Performance and Results Act of 1993 program performance planning pilot for fiscal years 1994, 1995, and 1996. News Media contact: Patricia A. Chew at (202) 632-5050; Office of the Managing Director contact: H. Walker Feaster at (202) 632-0923. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- PUBLIC NOTICES --------------------------------------------------------------------------- TARIFF TRANSMITTAL PUBLIC REFERENCE LOG - NON-DOMINANT CARRIERS: February 9 TARIFF TRANSMITTAL PUBLIC REFERENCE LOG: February 9 Report 15735 - BROADCAST APPLICATIONS Report 21820 - BROADCAST ACTIONS Report 21822 - BROADCAST ACTIONS Report I-6924 - INTERNATIONAL AND SATELLITE APPLICATIONS ACCEPTED FOR FILING --------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEXTS --------------------------------------------------------------------------- OLIVIA AND SAUK RAPIDS, MN. Proposed substitution of Channel 269C2 for Channel 269A at Sauk Rapids and modificiation of license WHMH(FM) accordingly; issued order to show cause to KOLV at Olivia as to why its license should not be modified to specify operation on Channel 261A in lieu of Channel 269A at Olivia. Comments are due April 5; replies April 19. (By NPRM and OSC [DA 94-63] adopted January 14 by the Acting Chief, Allocations Branch) ******************** ADDENDA: The following items, released February 9, were not listed on Digest 26: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEWS RELEASES --------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHAIRMAN HUNDT KICKS OFF 1994 BROWN BAG LUNCHEON SERIES - Public Policy and Planning contacts: Stan Felder or Kara Casey at (202) 632-0244; News Media contact: Steve Svab at (202) 632-5050.` FCC ISSUES INFORMATION REGARDING CABLE RATE COMPLAINT PROCESS - Cable Services Bureau contact: Michael Ruger at (202) 416-0845 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- PUBLIC NOTICES --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Report 1145 - CABLE TELEVISION RELAY SERVICE (CARS) APPLICATIONS RE: APPLICATIONS ACCEPTED FOR FILING Report 3485 - CABLE TELEVISION ACTIONS Report 15734 - BROADCAST APPLICATIONS Report 21819 - BROADCAST ACTIONS Report PMS-94-19 - COMMON CARRIER PUBLIC MOBILE SERVICES INFORMATION RE: APPLICATIONS ACCEPTED FOR FILING Report PMS-94-20-A - COMMON CARRIER PUBLIC MOBILE RADIO SERVICE INFORMATION Report D-734 - COMMON CARRIER BUREAU DOMESTIC FACILITIES APPLICATIONS RE: APPLICATIONS ACCEPTED FOR FILING Report D-734-A - COMMON CARRIER BUREAU DOMESTIC FACILITIES APPLICATIONS Report DS-1393 - COMMON CARRIER SERVICES INFORMATION RE: SATELLITE RADIO APPLICATIONS ACCEPTED FOR FILING Report DS-1394 - DOMESTIC FIXED SATELLITE SERVICE Report 1069 - PRIVATE RADIO BUREAU PART 21 RECEIPTS AND DISPOSALS: Week of January 26 thru February 2 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEXT --------------------------------------------------------------------------- EAGLE RIVER, WI. Proposed allotment of Channel 34 at Eagle River as that community's first local service. Comments are due April 4; replies April 19. (By NPRM [DA 94-84] adopted January 26 by the Acting Chief, Allocations Branch, Mass Media Bureau) February 10, 1994 OMB DESIGNATES FCC AS PILOT AGENCY FOR PROGRAM PERFORMANCE PLANNING The Federal Communications Commission has been designated by the Director, Office of Management and Budget (OMB) as a Government Performance and Results Act of 1993 (GPRA) program performance planning pilot for fiscal years 1994, 1995, and 1996. Participation in the program performance plan pilot, which encourages the development of alternative performance indicators, would provide the Commission with the opportunity to re-evaluate existing performance indicators and provide some insight into developing customer service standards as a means of measuring program performance. The pilot designation covers the Private Radio Bureau's Land Mobile Radio Application activity, and the Office of Engineering & Technology's Equipment Authorization activity. These and other Commission licensing activities are uniquely representative of the type of federal functions identified in OMB's GPRA implementation plan, since they span multiple service categories and represent a sizable portion of the Commission's workload. Further, as the Commission's current management reporting system includes much of the necessary framework needed for program performance planning, its current operations provide an ideal environment for testing various features of the Act and for developing final agency guidelines prior to government-wide implementation of program performance planning in FY 1998. In his letter to Chairman Hundt, OMB Director Leon Panetta said: "With this new Act, we have the means at hand for bringing about basic changes in how our Government works and is managed. These changes will not be easy or simple to accomplish. The pilot projects are a valuable opportunity to gain experience in achieving this transformation." In fulfillment of its role as a program performance planning pilot, the Commission will prepare and forward to OMB annual program performance plans and reports on actual program performance. OMB will use the results of the Commission pilot, together with the results of other federal agencies' pilots, in developing its pilot summary report to Congress in which it may recommend revisions to the GPRA. (over) -2- The GPRA was passed in response to Congressional concerns that government programs lacked sufficient articulation of goals and therefore cannot provide adequate information on program performance. -FCC- News Media contact: Patricia A. Chew at (202) 632-5050. Office of the Managing Director contact: H. Walker Feaster at (202) 632-0923. February 9, 1994 FCC ISSUES INFORMATION REGARDING CABLE RATE COMPLAINT PROCESS Some recent news reports have indicated that, after February 28, 1994, cable television subscribers, franchising authorities and State and local government entities will not be able to file complaints in response to changes in cable programming service rates. The purpose of this announcement is to clarify the legal requirements related to filing complaints under the Cable Television Consumer Protection and Competition Act of 1992. The Cable Act provides that cable subscribers, franchising authorities and State and local government entities should have a reasonable period of time to complain about changes in their cable programming service rates. The Commission has established that reasonable period as 45 days from the date the subscriber receives a bill showing a rate change. However, the Cable Act provided that, following the Commission's adoption of regulations to implement the Act, a 180- day complaint period would apply to give affected parties additional time to file complaints. That 180-day period, which will expire on February 28, 1994, applies only to complaints filed in response to rate changes made following the implementation of the initial regulations on September 1, 1993. Cable subscribers, franchising authorities and State and local government entities will continue to have 45 days to complain about changes in cable programming service rates. Therefore, cable subscribers, franchising authorities and State and local government entities will continue to have the opportunity to ask the Commission to review what they believe to be unreasonable changes in rates for cable programming service. In assessing the reasonableness of a rate, the Commission will consider the total rate and not just the most recent rate increase. This opportunity will continue, for example, regardless of any changes to its rules the Commission may or may not adopt at its meeting on February 22, 1994. Under the Cable Act, the Commission does not regulate the basic service tier, defined in the Cable Act as the program package which includes signals from local television stations (such as ABC, CBS, and NBC affiliates and independent television stations). (over) -2- Rates for basic tier service are regulated by local franchising authorities, who must first certify their intent to regulate with the Commission. The Commission is responsible for the regulation of rates for cable programming service, which includes all channels not included in basic service and not offered separately as pay-per-channel programming or pay-per-view program services, and related equipment. Complaints must be filed on FCC Form 329, the Cable Programming Service Rate Complaint Form. Anyone wishing to file a complaint in response to cable programming service rates should write to the Federal Communications Commission, Cable Form Request 329, Post Office Box 18238, Washington, D.C. 20036 or call 202-416-0919 to request a copy of Form 329. To obtain assistance in completing Form 329, call (202) 416-0902. The complaint form may be returned to the Commission by mail or by facsimile machine. -FCC- Cable Services Bureau contact: Michael Ruger at (202) 416-0845 -- -- Bruce Perens AB6YM 510-215-3502 ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 10 Feb 1994 19:38:23 GMT From: unogate!!usc!!!!!!!! Subject: Index to the* Supplemen To: Hi OM`s I want to meet some OM`s in the Palm Beach FL area. ------------------------------ Date: 8 Feb 1994 02:03:34 GMT From:!sgiblab!!olivea!koriel!newscast.West.Sun.COM!abyss.West.Sun.COM!sunspot! Subject: N connectors (was Re: "Flexible" 9913 (Was - Re: Coaxial cab To: In article 070294092539@, (Tony Pelliccio) writes: >In article , (Cecil Moore) >wrote: > >> Steve Bunis SE Southwest Chicago ( wrote: >> : > Some other things to keep in mind about 9913. Remember that you'll need >> : > special UHF N connectors if you plan on using the cable for UHF >> : > applications. >> >> : Also, regarding the N connectors, at what point do they start making >> : a discernible difference? I thought that NMO was supposed to do well >> : at least past the 70cm. band. -- Steve Bunis >> >> My dual-band 2x4MAX Comet has an so239 connector on it. Just how bad >> is a pl259 connection on UHF? Should I use an N to so239 adapter? I >> use 9913 on HF with pl259s and some copper tape. >> >> thanks, Cecil, > >Actually, most equipment for dual-band use is sold with so-239 and pl-259 >connectors. The loss isn't that much so you'd actually notice it. You'll >find N used in applications where every bit of loss counts like repeaters >etc. N connectors also make an effort to be weather resistant where PL-259/SO-239 do not. Land mobile radios seem to use SO-239 up to UHF (512MHZ max), then N connectors (800/900, etc.). --- * Dana H. Myers KK6JQ, DoD 466 | Views expressed here are * * (310) 348-6043 | mine and do not necessarily * * Dana.Myers@West.Sun.Com | reflect those of my employer * * This Extra supports the abolition of the 13 and 20 WPM tests * ------------------------------ Date: 12 Feb 1994 15:45:47 -0600 From: agate!!!!! Subject: Online call book To: How do I access the online call book? -- Michael J. Malloy Medical College of Wisconsin Truth is a Virus ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 11 Feb 1994 09:37:10 GMT From: ucsnews!!!!!!!hplextra!hplb!hpwin052!hpqmoea! Subject: Predicting inductor self resonant freq? To: Look in Zverev, in the section on Helical Resonators. It even allows you to account for screening cans ! Cheers David ------------------------------ Date: 11 Feb 1994 18:48:43 GMT From: koriel!newscast.West.Sun.COM!abyss.West.Sun.COM!pongo! Subject: Ramsey FX Transceivers To: In article <2jc11v$> (Dave Duchesneau) writes: >myers@cypress.West.Sun.COM (Dana Myers ) writes: >> >> (lots deleted) >> >> call John Lansdale and ask for his price sheet. He sells VHF Lo-band (for 6m) >> Micors, complete with control group, for $75+shipping. >> >> >Are these retunable for 2m? with the right split, or modifiable to be so? >(as easily as you described) No. If you want a 2m rig, look for a VHF High-band radio. They come in splits like 138-150, 150-162, 162-174. The obvious choice is the split similar to 138-150; it should simply tune and play. The next choice is the 150-162 split; they often just tune down to 146Mhz with no work, but there is the risk that they won't. Sometimes you can add a few capacitors, etc., but if the helical resonators won't peak at your frequency of interest, you're better off looking for another radio. It is my experience that land mobile gear is highly reliable until you start making major modifications, i.e. use a 162-174MHz radio for 145MHz packet, etc. >With a service manual, I wouldn't be afraid to retune an old commercial >rig, the trick (secret?) seems to be in knowing *exactly* what old rigs >will retune without (much) part swapping. Any (further) pointers on >sources and models to look for would be greatly appreciated! Exactly! The trick is knowing which ones are "better" and which ones won't work. I've long promised to write a "Land Mobile Gear on Amateur Radio" FAQ, but have yet to spend enough time.... 73 Dana -- * Dana H. Myers KK6JQ, DoD 466 | Views expressed here are * * (310) 348-6043 | mine and do not necessarily * * Dana.Myers@West.Sun.Com | reflect those of my employer * * This Extra supports the abolition of the 13 and 20 WPM tests * ------------------------------ Date: 8 Feb 1994 19:08:44 GMT From: agate!!usc!!swrinde!sgiblab!!olivea!!scdt! Subject: soldering PL-259 to coax To: In article <>, (John Unger) writes: |> Has anyone had any experience (either good or bad) using one of |> the small butane torch/soldering irons to solder PL-259 connectors |> to RG-8U coax. Do they work as well as or better than a big |> (>100W) soldering iron? I tried one, and it tended to melt down everything. You need more concentrated heat. By the way, be careful when comparing soldering irons and soldering guns. A 100 watt soldering iron is turning all 100 watts into useful heat. But a 100 watt soldering gun is losing maybe 20-30% of that power in its transformer. Also, if you have even slightly imperfect connections from the element to the gun, you lose even more power. I ended up my gun and a 40-watt iron at the same time. Also remember that the cheap nickel-plated connectors are harder to solder than the silver-plated ones. Doug Braun Intel Design Technology N1OWU 408 765-4279 / decwrl \ | hplabs | or maybe: -| oliveb |- !intelca!mipos3!cadev6!dbraun | amd | \ qantel / "There is no human problem which could not be solved if people would simply do as I advise." -- Gore Vidal ------------------------------ Date: (null) From: (null) ------------------------------ Date: 9 Feb 1994 22:06:26 GMT From:!!!!!! To: References , <>, Subject : Morse code as words! I have been on CW for about 7 years. I first learned CW at age 14, and promptly took two years off (so I forgot most of it). I re-acquired the ability to copy code, and in eight months was up to about 20 wpm. This was roughly 7 years ago, and JUST in the last year have I begun to start hearing words instead of letters. For me, this came at roughly 28 wpm or so (plus or minus a bit), and with a good amount of listening and operating. For instance, when you see the word "INCOGNITO" or "AMATEUR" or "SCHEDULE" or virtually ANYTHING else, do you have any problem at all saying the word out loud? No, of course not, because you're been reading since a very young age. Now, if someone taught you the Hebrew alphabet and asked you to read Hebrew, you would have to sound out every letter. I guarantee that you would NOT appear fluent (this is my case). Similarly, at age whatever, you have been taught the letters of the Morse Code. Words are made up of letters, but hearing letters and converting them to words is NOT equivalent to hearing words. I now hear words like the, and, or, if, you, etc., etc. And suffixes, like -ing, -est, -ier, and -er. Scott NF3I Just takes time, I guess. Throwing away the pencil is the key. -- 73, _________ _________ The \ / Long Original Scott Rosenfeld Amateur Radio NF3I Burtonsville, MD | Live $5.00 WAC-CW/SSB WAS DXCC - 123 QSLed on dipoles __________| Dipoles! Antenna! ------------------------------ End of Info-Hams Digest V94 #142 ****************************** ******************************